And how do I "update" it? Do I have to buy something? And how can I tell what kind of video card I have.... like the version or whatever you call it?
Please and Thank you!!|||A video card handles video processing on a computer versus video being handled by either the main processor (CPU) or "on-board graphics" built into the motherboard. The main processor in a computer is not designed to handle graphics very well so adding a video card usually improves the graphics performance. Here's an example of some video cards. All cards are not this expensive.…
Updating a graphics card depends on what type of computer you have. If it was built within the last few years you likely need a card that uses the PCI-Express interface. If this sounds confusing and you really aren't familiar with upgrading computers then it pays to have someone help you with it.
You will also need someone knowledgeable to help you understand if you actually need to upgrade. Are you having a video problem? Are you trying to run an application or game that is very slow? These questions will help determine what component of your computer needs to be upgraded in order to get the performance you need.
Oh and your last question. You can see what kind of video hardware you have (in windows XP) by right clicking on your desktop and selecting properties, then select the settings tab. Right under "display" it shows your video hardware description.
Hope that helps
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