Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why do all my video cards end up being "unrecognized"?

Not sure if it's a case of bad luck, or people don't know what they're talking about...

It seems that the three video cards I've dealt with (one from a friend, two I've owned) ended up being cards that "weren't recognized" by most games I have. I'd get a warning that the game may not run right. The game usually runs fine but I don't like seeing the warning.

The card I have now is a GT 430 - something decent and good for most games but nothing that would make my wallet incredibly light. it's worked well - but despite updating drivers I'm still a tad concerned over that error.

Given the large amount of video cards, I can only assume that those cards that fall between the main "known" cards would get this treatment, even if they're just as good. However I figured I'd ask and get a second opinion from others.|||mother boards video card need to match find place that can do work for your mother board could be just too old for new video card of today

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