Okay so my computer is around 3-4 weeks old now and when I got it, I downloaded Windows Live Movie Maker and it worked fine before. I haven't used it in like 2 weeks and now that I need to use it again, I doesn't open when I try to open it. A message just pops up that says, "Sorry, Movie Maker can't start. Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements before trying to start Movie Maker again, and then try to update the driver for your video card if Movie Maker still doesn't start."
I know that my computer meets all the requirements since I never do anything big with my computer and it's almost brand new. It says to update the driver on the video card if it still doesn't work but I have no idea what that means.
If you know how to fix this problem, PLEASE tell me! I'll give you 10 points.
Thanks!|||You need to go to the website of the manufacturer of your video card. We can't give you a direct link because we don't know who made your video card.|||do a windows update and if that does not work then go to system restore in the control panel and restore your system setting to a date before the problem happened.|||this is link is for video driver updates, hope it can help you get a working driver and fix the issue:
good luck|||You will need to know the type and model number of your video card. You can know that by looking on the computer manufacturer's website and look for your computer model. Once there is should tell you all of the specifications about that computer including the video card Model. Now go to the Video Card Manufacturer's website and download the latest software for the model of your video card. You can also find the Model of the video card on one of those stickers sticked onto the laptop next to the touch pad (The touchy mouse) or looking through the box of the laptop. You should a catalog or something that tells you the model of your video card.
Hope this helped
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