I have a Dell demension 3000 and i need to find out how to install or update a better graphics card or video card !!
i cant play certain things on games without an update. Is there a way to update it without perchaseing any items? and how do i find out what brand my video/graphics card is?
whats the difference between video and graphics card?!
my gawsh i suck with computers haha...|||Grpahics card n video cards are two names for the same thing.
to find out what brand your using open up system information (in accesoris under systme tools) and it shoudl tell you form there, should be ATI, Nvidia, or Intel.
Nvidia nad ATI are decdicated grpahics card, if you have an intel intergrated chipset then you aret using a grpahics card.
to imporve perofmarmnce you cna get drivers form the graphics card website.
in my experince Dell desktop that odnt have a grpahics card genrally dont have hte slot to add one.|||Video and graphics card is the same thing.
Unfortunately the Dimension 3000 is pretty old, and not very upgradable- it has only PCI expansions slots, so you can't get very good graphics cards for it. The better video/graphics cards are made for computers with either AGP or PCI-Express expansion slots.
The only decent video cards available for PCI-only machines like yours are the Radeon HD2400, Geforce 6200 and Radeon X1550.
Between those 3 cards, the RadeonHD2400 is best. Older cards like the Geforce FX5500 and Radeon 9200 are a complete waste of money.|||to put in a new graphics card or video card you have to open up your pc and take out the old one.you then put the new one in and plug the moniter back in.turn on the pc and insert the cd to install the drivers for it.i would pick an ati graphics card because they have a porerful graphics accelerater card built in,and you can play some games on high detail too.|||a video card and graphics card are the same thing..if you have integrated(onboard)graphics..you will need to purchase a video card....i checked the specs for your computer and it looks like your only option is to go with a pci video card..not a pci express or agp....you can pick one up fairly cheap and it will allow you to play all the good games..but you should also max out your ram memory....cheers|||Since you dont know to much about computers I recommend you take it to a professional and have them install it. There is no difference between a video and graphics card, some people just call them different things.|||A video card essentially is the same as a graphics card. Those two names are used interchangeably to refer to the part of the computer that generate and also accelerate images so they can be produced on your screen.|||graphic card (video card) allow you to seen somthing on monitor
try manifacturer's site for any driver update & if you have any old graphic card buy a new one i suggest you > nvidia8500
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