I have a Asus P4c800-e Deluxe motherboard and I have updated the bios to the latest version. I have a BFG Geforce 7600 OC GS 512mb AGP video card and in the bios I can set the AGP settings to 256 at most. My card however is a 512 and the max agp settings in my bios is still 256. Please I need a real answer to this and not any suggestions (ex Maybe your motherboard doesn't support 512mb video cards etc.) I need a real answer please.|||The 256 you can see in your BIOS is for your onboard video.
Use the video card utility (from nvida website forgettin exact name of utility) to access and set your VIDEo card Bios settings. The AGP aperture settings in Mobo bios just specify howmuch of system ram should be provided as video ram for an intigrated onboard card.|||The BIOS can add an extension to your Video memory....it does this by allowing your to use System memory as Video memory....your video card will run with 512mb regardless...
Do not worry about your BIOS AGP setting...you are not getting robbed of any performance....*i have mine set at Minimum and still getting the full 256mb of my video card*...(my rig is 3 years old...don't knock it...it still whips a DELL)|||What is the question? How to make your video card 256MB or how to make the motherboard accept a 512Mb video card? Why won't it work? Will it work? You didn't ask a question, you only provided us with your hardware information.|||i think ur reffering to the aperture size and it has nothing to do with the onboard card memory .. ur fine ...
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