Friday, April 27, 2012

Sum'n bout a video card. . . what does this mean?

Sims 3. . . halp! o:

i installed it into my laptop with all the latest updates and whatnot but when i press the 'play' button it keeps saying this:

Unable to start game

Device 0 cannot run this title.

Your video card does not appear to support at least Shader Model 2. Please upgrade your card.

d: it makes me sad that i'm not computer savvy like you fine people out there. any suggestions? thanks yous.|||Your graphics card is too old.|||*sigh* it means your graphics card well very outdated and isnt a very good one if it cant run sims 3. Well if you have a desktop then you can replace the video card just take it into a computer shop or best buy geek squad and ask them and they'll even install it for you. then you should be fine. But in all honestly even laptops these days are VERY good. and if you can invest 600-700 dollars to get a new laptop go to best buy and have them help you pick one out. they'll explain what makes a good laptop. But yeah....i honestly think you should just invest in a new computer and use the one you have now as a family computer for web browsing and sending email and what not. and get a new personal device.|||What it's saying is, you need a better Graphics card.

The down-side is! You cant replace a graphic card on a Laptop.

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