i am normally very good with pc's but i always get confused with video cards i am building my own gaming pc i know that i need a good video card and psu and cpu along with the other stuff but i get confused on how they are ranked like how do you know a nvidia gtx 590 is better than a AMD 5850 i just get confused when they talk about video card specs
also if u wont to be extra help full can someone please leave a link to a good but the no more that £160 video card i can always update then my pc is built i have enough money he he lol :) :D
thanks again|||Well with the NVIDIA cards they usually start GTX then 3 numbers. The first number is the series (the higher means newest) the second is usually refers to the performance level (higher is better). For instance at gtx 470 is similar performance to a gtx 560 but the 560 is the newer card.
The AMD cards are similar but 4 numbers again the first is the series the second and third tend to dictate the performance level in that series. For instance the 6000 series are amongst the newest and the 6990 is the best in that series. HD6950 is an example of a modern mid to high end card and a GTX570 is NVIDIAs similar level card.
Most gamers will be looking at GTX 460 (sinlge or pair), GTX 560Ti, GTX 570, GTX 580 etc. And AMD HD 6870 (probably where you should start looking or one of the newer spec overclocked GTX460's (1Gb versions). I bought a HD 6950 which is really good and maybe find for £160 now.
One word of caution most AMD cards I have bought (HD****) are good but tend to be less "refined" than NVIDIA cards (GTX***) in that they tend to have more glitches, some are also quite loud and the newer cards run pretty hot to compensate. You do get more for your money with AMD and are great if set up well but I would opt for a 460 just to be safe and value.|||The card i have atm is AMD Radeon HD 6770, so far there's nothing that it can't handle and it goes for under £100 on amazon, i'm sure you can find it cheaper elsewhere though.
Be sure your PSU can handle the graphics card though, the better the card, the more power you need.|||As a general rule, look at the number of processor cores - for AMD and Nvidia - the more, the better, but also take into account memory - larger for higher resolutions and multi screen gaming - and the number of gpu's. For example, the gtx 590 is 2 gtx 580s in one card, and the 6990 is also a dual gpu card. As far as choosing between AMD and Nvidia go, if you plan to use your pc for pure gaming, get an AMD card. However if you plan to use your pc for other things, such as photoshop, video editing etc. then an Nvidia card is definitely the way to go.
A final piece of advice, you get what you pay for. If you skimp, you will be dissapointed.
Hope I helped clear this up for you XD
Also have a look at this website if you want to compare performance: http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/
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